Next season will start Wednesday 29 January 2025. Click on the ‘play with us’ button to register.
We offer a women’s and mixed netball competition on Wednesday nights. We play indoor at Methodist Ladies College, 207 Barkers Road, Kew.
Our mixed comp is brand new and will commence Wednesday 29 Jan, hence no photos of the mixed comp.
Individuals welcome anytime. You can join and fill in list and most people end up in an existing team within a season.
Generally teams can only join at the start of a season. Seasons begin in Jan and July each year. Sometimes we have space for a team mid season.
We have 10 teams currently and plan to build again our competition to what it was before the breaks in play of recent years.
We have a scoring roster. You score as an individual once a season.
We will provide umpires, balls, venue and set up, first aid, insurance and fun!